Everything you should know about pearls

If you are thinking of buying pearls, I am sure you are charmed by their beauty. The gorgeous sheen with holographic reflection is undoubtedly stunning. Jewellery made from pearls is timeless – very classy, elegant, and sophisticated. And over the years, icons like Audrey Hepburn, Coco Chanel, and Elizabeth Taylor have made pearls a staple piece to own.  Back in the day, pearls were considered a luxury and were not allowed for the commoners. However, being the world’s oldest gemstone, it was first discovered in the sarcophagus of a Persian princess. Although today pearls have become a common phenomenon, it is still considered to be a status symbol.  Now, let’s look into some insights into this precious gemstone. How are pearls made? Pearl is an organic gemstone. Meaning they are formed naturally, unlike the other gemstones. A pearl is formed when an irritant particle gets stuck inside an oyster, mollusc, or clam. These particles begin to create layers of fluid over the particle as a defence mechanism. The layers formed to protect the oyster from the irritant then develops into a beautiful pearl. However, these days cultured pearls are obtained through cultivation, wherein a grain of sand is inserted into […]

from Your One Stop Guide on Pearl Jewellery | Candere Blog https://www.candere.com/blog/everything-you-should-know-about-pearls.html
