SGT teams up with Ethical Metalsmith on ethical jewellery project

The Scottish Goldsmiths Trust (SGT) and Ethical Metalsmiths have teamed up to bring the Radical Jewellery Makeover (RJM), a community jewellery mining project which started in the USA – to the UK for the first time.

Between now and 7 January 2022, the RJM Scotland team is asking people to donate jewellery in the post or leave them at a drop-off point.

The donated items will then be transformed by jewellery and silversmithing students and tutors into fresh, ethically responsible designer items.

The pieces will then go on show in an exhibition and sale in Glasgow at the end of March, with proceeds funding further efforts to educate and connect people with responsibly sourced materials.

Karen Westland, SGT’s ethical making programme manager, said: “RJM is a great way to recover all the unworn, unloved, unfashionable and broken jewellery – or pieces that are no longer your style – that are lurking at the bottom of boxes, bags and drawers and give it a fresh chance to glitter.

“Much of a product’s social and environmental impact is down to the materials that are used. Choosing materials that are ethically and sustainably sourced is critical to reducing our impact on the environment.”

