Bradley’s Jewellers named accredited retailer of sustainability rated diamonds

Independent jewellery retail business, Bradley’s Jewellers York, has been named an accredited retailer under the SCS 007 Certified Sustainability Rated Diamond Standard by SCS Global Services, making it the first female-owned retailer in the UK to achieve such status.

Led by Kay Bradley on Low Petergate, this new accreditation authorises the retailer to represent and sell Certified Sustainability Rated Diamonds online and in-store across its Bradley’s Jewellers and Eco Rocks businesses.

To become an accredited retailer of Sustainability Rated Diamonds, Bradley’s Jewellers was evaluated by SCS and has agreed to follow a strict code of conduct. 

Bradley’s Jewellers now joins a group of businesses ensuring transparency and due diligence around the environmental and ethical performance of diamond producers and handlers. 

Additionally, the Sustainability Rated Diamond certification programme applies to both natural and laboratory grown gemstone-quality diamonds. It incorporates quantitative metrics to ensure that producers move rapidly toward full climate neutrality and net zero impacts in other measures of environmental performance.

Kay Bradley said: “As an Accredited SCS 007 Diamond Retailer, we are demonstrating our commitment to bringing full transparency and value to our customers, while revolutionising the diamond industry and building a more sustainable world. 

“Certified Sustainability Rated Diamonds adhere to the highest standards of social and ethical performance, with unsurpassed traceability back to the source and climate neutrality. I am personally thrilled to be the first female-owned retailer in Great Britain to achieve this.” 

Stanley Mathuram, executive vice president at SCS Global Services, added: “SCS is proud to welcome Bradley’s Jewellers York as one of the first accredited retailers of Sustainability Rated Diamonds in Great Britain.

“Bradley’s’ participation in this leadership standard provides their customers access to diamonds with the highest level of transparency for origin, ethical stewardship, climate neutrality, sustainable production as well as sustainability investments all documented on individual certificates.”

