Ashes Memorial Jewellery reports 30% sale increase

Burton-on-Trent-based Ashes Memorial Jewellery has reported that it has seen sales rise by a third (30%) over the past year, despite the current economic uncertainty.

The jeweller said that interest in memorial jewellery has “skyrocketed”since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a “significant spike” in the number of people searching for this style of jewellery on Google.

Julia Usher, managing director, Ashes Memorial Jewellery, said: “Since the start of the pandemic, demand for memorial jewellery has soared. It’s still a niche but it’s certainly now a much bigger niche as people’s relationship with death has changed a lot over the past two years.

“Memorial jewellery is a powerful and comforting way to help connect a grieving person to their lost loved one. In the darkness of grief, a piece of memorial jewellery can help to create a physical connection between the departed and the living. It acts as a physical memento of happy times spent together. ”

