Hayes & Lake appoints new head of sales

Hayes and Lake, the new laboratory grown diamond brand launched by Diamnet, has appointed David Hartley as its new head of sales.

Hartley’s career in the industry spans across 25 years, including with online retailer Hearts on Fire, and his new role focuses on the move from natural mined diamonds to laboratory grown diamonds.

Hayes and Lake said that its laboratory grown diamonds can sit side by side with natural mined diamonds in a retail shop, giving consumers an “easy to understand choice without sacrifice”.

Howard Levine, Diamnet managing director, said: “For Hayes and Lake, we were looking for someone well known to the trade and David’s 25 years in the industry and especially his work with Hearts on Fire, made him the perfect person.

“It didn’t take long for David to grasp the advantages a retailer has when presenting laboratory grown diamonds in a top quality product with all the collateral of a top end brand.”

Hartley added: “When Howard Levine asked me to head up sales for his new brand Hayes and Lake, I jumped at the chance as laboratory grown diamonds bring the consumer benefits that not only speak to a sustainability conscious customer, but also meet the needs of those with a 1ct desire and a 1/3ct budget.

“Hayes and Lake have created a turnkey solution for the retail of laboratory grown diamonds with not only the ultimate core product range, created in the UK, but also all the display and packaging you would expect with a high end brand.”

source https://www.jewelleryfocus.co.uk/205686-haye-lake-appoints-new-head-of-sales
