The SGT expands UK-wide ethical making pledge

The Scottish Goldsmiths Trust (SGT) has officially launched the expansion of the ethical making pledge to art colleges and training providers with jewellery and silversmithing courses across the UK.

The Goldsmiths’ Centre, the UK’s “leading charity” for the professional training of goldsmiths, was announced to be the first education provider out of Scotland to sign the ethical making pledge on 8 June, which “denotes a promise to embark on a journey towards ethical making”.  

The ethical making pledge is a collaborative and community-based initiative that “encourages education providers to embed practical and theoretical learning about ethical making into their curriculum, workshop practice and sourcing of materials, with the aim to empower the next generation of makers and apprentices”.

The Scottish Goldsmiths Trust’s ethical making programme began partnering with The Goldsmiths’ Centre this year, as they “share an ambitious plan to extend the ethical making pledge beyond Scottish higher education”. 

Karen Westland, the SGT’s programme manager for ethical making, said: “We are thrilled that The Goldsmiths’ Centre will be the first institution outside of Scotland to become a signatory of the ethical making pledge. This will strengthen our efforts to ensure the pledge is fit for purpose for students and makers across the UK and support more jewellers and silversmiths to enter the trade with an ethical practice as their foundation.”

Peter Taylor MBE, The Goldsmiths’ Centre’s director, added: “The Scottish Goldsmiths Trust’s ethical making programme is a fantastic initiative encouraging education providers to make small, manageable steps towards ethical making. Since 2022, we’ve supported The Scottish Goldsmiths Trust’s Ethical Making Programme through funding and collaboration.

“By signing the ethical making pledge, we’re fully committed to raise awareness, share knowledge and resources in order to create an environment for our team and the next generation of makers to critically explore and learn about the topic of ethical making.”

