UK jeweller sees record sales after going viral on TikTok

Susannah King, the fourth generation goldsmith at Susannah King London, has sold £20,000 worth of rings in under a minute, after having recently gone viral on TikTok.

Launching live to her social channels, the 28 rings received over 2,000 messages and were all purchased in less than 60 seconds. This means that the jeweller has had to plan another drop in the winter, which will be larger.

King created the drop by upcycling gemstones she had in her collection. The new winter collection will see a wider variety, with a further 50 rings to be added to the collection.

King’s viral videos on TikTok have reached upwards of eight million views, and she said people are interested in seeing what goes into making rings, including the wax carving and stone setting.

Susannah King told Jewellery Focus: “When the messages started coming through, I couldn’t believe it. I knew people were interested, but I didn’t realise HOW many people wanted a piece of my artwork. The high was unbelievable and now I can’t wait for winter because I want to do it bigger and better.”

