Pineapple Island launches eco-friendly Black Friday alternative

Jewellery brand Pineapple Island has launched Green Friday, a new initiative aimed at giving consumers an eco-conscious choice this Black Friday.

In a move also aimed at supporting the cost-of-living crisis, the brand is also offering discounts across all of its products and climate positive orders, which will offset 100% of the carbon emissions.

Pineapple Island founder Nathan Jones said: “If we all do our part by changing our daily habits and making sustainable swaps, supporting companies that care about their impact on the Earth, and advocate for the future we deserve, we can effect real change in the world.

“For the Black Friday weekend, we have 20% off everything and we are shipping our orders
100% carbon neutral, but we’re not stopping there. You’ll be able to make an even bigger
impact by choosing to make your order climate positive.”

He added: “That means double the amount of carbon will be offset, producing an even bigger positive environmental impact. So you’ll have confidence/peace of mind that when a Pineapple Island package arrives at your door, you’ll get something you love, and you’ll be proud of the fact that you’re taking a small step towards making a big change in the world/actively reducing your carbon footprint.”

