NAJ President wins NAJ Chair’s Award

NAJ President, David Doyle, was the recipient of the second NAJ Chair’s Award, presented at this year’s Benevolent Society Christmas Charity Ball.

The NAJ Chair’s Award is given to a business or individual in recognition of their ongoing commitment and dedicated service to the jewellery industry.

Last year, the judging panel felt that The Goldsmiths Company, the Benevolent Society, and
The Silversmiths Jewellers Charity should share the inaugural Award for their collaborative work in supporting the trade through Covid.

This year, the independent judges unanimously agreed David Doyle’s career-long generosity and service deserved to be acknowledged.

NAJ chair Heather Callaway said: “It was an honour and a privilege to present the NAJ Chair’s Award to David. It was only fitting that the longevity of his career and unwavering charitable spirit be recognised in this way. David embodies the Association’s values in everything he does and has achieved in his jewellery career.”

Doyle said: “Having been in the jewellery industry since my early 20s and been generously rewarded in so many ways, including making life-long friendships, I felt it my duty to give back to an industry that has given me so much in return.

“I am genuinely humbled to receive the NAJ Chair’s Award, but any individual award for
dedicated service only tells half a story. The results that I have achieved, whether through
my own business, the NAJ or the Benevolent Society, would not be possible without the
amazing support of my industry colleagues and, of course, my wife, Jan, a constant
throughout this jewellery journey of mine.”

